Design System
Brand Guidelines
Once more, I want to start talking about my work, about our team (wow) and the projects we’re working on. I feel a bit hesitant about this, as I’m more used to working alone and delivering projects that only reach a high level of grand rewards.

But good projects and processes also need to be talked about, right? So today, I want to tell you about style guides.

When I delved into reviewing maryco’s work, I was pleasantly shocked by the level of detail in their style guidelines. We’ve all seen standard brand books where designers, out of despair, add slides with distorted logos such as "please, never do like that, thank you" and a set of rules like "grab a cool picture from Unsplash and it will be good." But that doesn’t work that way.
Every brand is dynamic, covered with different situations and events. It may seem like there are no universal rules, but that’s not true! It’s just essential to immerse yourself in the company itself, understand what comes from its essence, and anticipate possibilities. And! Write down the rules.
This is where brand book designers often enter the dark area. "You can’t predict everything; we don’t know what will happen in 5 years." But in reality, this is solved by well-thought-out rules and answers to specific questions.
  • Where to find images?
  • What keywords to use?
  • What if a photo can't be found?
  • What graphics to use instead of photos?
  • What composition to maintain?
  • What if the text doesn't fit?
  • What about a different imprint?
  • What if there are more pages?
  • What if a different format list is needed?
  • What logic to use for the grid?
It’s a complex, analytical, thoughtful job. But it’s necessary because in that case, the guide becomes more than a lifeless PDF with a set of standard "good-bad" rules; it becomes a real tool and assistant at work, a brand encyclopedia where you can find answers to all visual questions. That’s when the brand book starts working.
Maryco nailed it with these guides, and I didn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. Now I want you to see it too.
It's not ethical to show guides for client projects, so we've compiled our own. Structural ecstasy! The link to the guideline. And studio portfolio.
Soon, I want to talk about the studio’s favourite and cool projects. If you need help rethinking guides and creating a new rule system for your brand, write to me on Telegram @kate_shash, and we’ll assist you.
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